Creamy Mushroom Soup

I like mushrooms. I like creamy stuff. I like soups. Simple equation! I honestly NEVER attempted to make a creamy mushroom soup. Every time I craved it, I would wait to go somewhere and eat it and I have no idea why. It was just one of those things that I never got around to do but should have done a long time ago. I remember one specific afternoon with mom at home. We had finished having lunch and I wanted to make a creamy mushroom soup that was creamy enough but not too heavy nor chunky. I wanted to put a twist on it too. I googled a lot of recipes and checked out some stuff on Pinterest but nothing was too tempting. I decided to wing it. Julia Child once said that in cooking it's important to have a "what the heck" mood going. You can't argue with that logic!

I got some good music going, lured mom into the living room with a show, and my show began! Guess what, it worked from take one! ONE!! THAT NEVER HAPPENS! I think I didn't put much pressure back then which helped me feel more comfortable creating it. I had super low expectations too because I was horrible at making food creamy enough like those pictures I saw all the time. BUT IT WORKED! I am so happy to share it with you today and I hope you like my version of it. 


  • Knife and cutting board

  • One medium to large pot (to cook your soup)
  • Zester (to grate the garlic)
  • Spatula (to stir your ingredients)
  • A food processor (to turn your mushrooms into a semi paste) or a lot of patience to chop them which takes FOREVER! 
  • Measuring cups and spoons


  • Onions: 2 whole
  • Garlic clove: 3 whole
  • White button mushrooms: 500 grams (feel free to mix other kinds of mushroom but be careful with what kinds you choose to avoid an overpowering bitter taste)
  • Dijon Mustard: 3 tablespoons
  • Dry thyme - finely chopped: 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable stock: 5 cups
  • Cooking cream: 1/2 cup
  • Olive oil or unsalted butter: 2 tablespoons
  • salt and pepper to taste


Start by getting your ingredients ready to be cooked. Small dice your onions and set aside. Grate the garlic and set aside as well. Now get the food processor and blend your mushrooms till you reach a dark paste. It will look like finely chopped black olives. That's normal! Get your stock and cream out then measure out the rest of your ingredients. Now all that's left is putting it all together in the pot. 

Heat your pot on medium heat then add in your olive oil (or butter). Cook the onions and garlic until translucent and soft in texture with a pinch of salt. Now add the blended mushrooms.You will notice that water will be extracted. It's all from the mushroom and the heat helps to evaporate it. Keep stirring till the water evaporates. You want it to evaporate but not stick to the pot so keep a close eye on it. Add the dry thyme and the Dijon mustard and mix until all incorporates well. All that's left now is to add the stock before the final touch. Reduce your heat to low and add your stock to let the soup simmer. Let it simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes. DO NOT LET IT BOIL!!! At room temperature by now, add your cream, give it a quick stir, season with salt and pepper and turn the heat off. If you want my advice, finish it off with a squeeze of lemon but that's just me and my addiction. 

Farah Hamade